Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Lupus Anticoagulant More Condition_symptoms Lupus Anticoagulant.. This Question Is For My Friend? Please Help?

Lupus anticoagulant.. this question is for my friend? please help? - lupus anticoagulant more condition_symptoms

I am a mother of 3 years and I've had 2 miscarriages and told me that I have lupus anticoagulant, and my doctor told me on blood thiner 4 per day, and since one years, and m 'said if I would become pregnant again, had a picture of a witch I am all the days of horrible, I wonder if it another way, or someone else take over this


mgnysgtc... said...

Hello, my wife also SLE and APS (antiphospholipid syndrome), so I know exactly what you mean. You're lucky to three years. My wife and I have children, because the risks of pregnancy, that you were too high. At this stage, you play a kind of Russian roulette. I say this because you have a son who is very rare when someone SPA. The risk of pregnancy with APS include stroke, brain aneuyrsm, pulmonary embolism, heart attack and stroke. To name a few. I am sure that your OB / GYN, you are against the idea that a child down, of course. You have a boy aged three years ago, desperately needs his mother. God forbid, what happens, because you're pregnant again. You need to think about before the test. Adoption is one of the most difficult decisions my wife and me. I wanted to have "natural children so badly. But the reward was more than I could imagine.

They should worry less aboutHeparin (daily injections of anticoagulant) and more concerned about the care for your child. Please note a high risk OB / GYN and I will try to tell you what I am convinced now.

I wish you all the best for the future.

derique corbeau said...

Women with lupus anticoagulants are almost always loss associated with an increased risk of previous pregnancy, so the idea that children are more frightening. However, there is hope, always! Various approaches have been used to prevent pregnancy problems in pregnant patients with antiphospholipid antibodies, lupus. Also in general, the pregnancy period is a high risk of blood clots. Therapies, which were evaluated include aspirin alone, aspirin and prednisone, aspirin and heparin (a blood thinner injections) and heparin alone. Women with this problem should be by a team of high-risk OB / GYN, will be prosecuted Department of Rheumatology and coagulation. Good luck and remember, stress, and their fixation on the negative. Be in the hands of doctors and what will be. Just stay positive! Namaste!

Linda R said...

If you still want to have a child, and the doctor said that her lupus anticoagulant required, then you must take pictures when you become pregnant.

Each treatment has risks and advantages, disadvantages and in good spirits. You're the only person who can weigh the evidence and make those decisions.

Without the drugs in the shooting, has a high likelihood of blood clots in the placenta to intercept and get the food and oxygen to her unborn child. When this happens, the child dies, and spontaneous abortion. So now you have a choice. You can have for the child, and devote their energy to take care of this child grateful. They may be pregnant, do not constitute medical advice and will probably undergo another abortion. Or you can become pregnant and have the last word.

The first thing to do is to educate, to. The links below are a set.

The second is to develop a healthy and open communication between you and your doctor if you do not ask strangers on Yahoo.

Good luck to you.

Rowan's mommy ♥ said...

I factor 5 songs, the assumption is similar, I have the blood thinner coumadin - and if I'm pregnant, I give myself to each shot in the stomach - Oooh, I myself could not imagine doing so. My condition means that I is not quickly clot well. I was diagnosed when I was 8 years old. I had a mild stroke when she was 15 - now I'm 18th I know that I get pregnant if there is no other alternative than the vaccine Retch. I do not know if I can help. Bu She wanted to share my story with you. =)

Emmanuel M said...

The solution will take into the uterus and ovaries of a total

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