Have you ever seen strings of paranormal lights? - golf ball light bulbs
One night, went home to the ball for my son to play. I was in the passenger side, and there was another woman in the back seat passenger side. Both turned to the window for any reason, simply for lack of better things to do, and both saw a red "blink" through a cornfield. Immediately after, a number of white women. It was almost like a golf ball the size of the Christmas lights on a string. They continued as we continued, and when he lit in the next and so on, all the way across the field again. The string of red and white after the bite. The field was large, at least the size of two football fields. I have already several times, day and night and can not find something that would need to be considered. This is a busy road and no one is behind or in front of us when it happened. Once it happened, I cried, "What the hell was that?" and she said: "You saw that?" I did not lie and say they've seen what I saw his phoneThe me first what he had seen and done, he had seen what I saw. We do not use drugs or alcohol. We are normal mothers.
It can I search the Internet for research on this phenomenon? I've tried, but apparently I do not write well. My father said he had seen the same phenomenon with a friend one night on a river bank for over 40 years.
They are commonly called "Ghost Ligths" or "light of the earth."
This is a rare abnormal light, historically false dragon, ball lightning and UFOs before they recognized as a separate category. A leading theory is that they are caused by tectonic stresses in the fault lines lower, as they are created from the earth, literally. They appear in many colors, shapes and sizes, although the magnitude of globular clusters Basketball orange seems more likely. Most tours take in the night when some light from miles around to be seen. It is reported to act against the wind and reach with astonishing speed.
You've seen one of our boats. They brought the prisoner or other prisoners.
You've seen one of our boats. They brought the prisoner or other prisoners.
No, do not say, unfortunately, I have never seen such. But it would be great!
Hey, you ever heard of Northern Lights? I had never, until I saw for myself one night. I was camping and I saw the sky and surprised by what I saw. Red lights, white light. It seems that the souls go to heaven. It was so beautiful. I thought the world was ending. This lasted several minutes. See the Northern Lights web site .. it was nice, I think. I hope that helped. Check out my site, I will now Northern Lights.
I'm half, so I try to help. It seems that the spirits. Maybe have to rebuild their former lives. Now for the colors red, it means that evil and evil and white good and pleasant. I think it's great that you have to do with this, but when you get back, be on guard, because he saw red. I also understand when you look at the top. I tried several times and I've never found a site that really works. Hope this helps!
Dear friend,
Greetings of peace, love and light. Yes, I saw the phenomenon known a year ago, and finally, last year. The first time I saw, when I am alone carry to the cemetery for the first time Paranormal Research in 2005.
The moon was full and as he has in the graveyard, and no experience, however, cause like a proper investigation into the cemetery, but I was very excited when I saw a light flashing back in the air several times as a string. If I am caught and can not see that in http://www.malaysian-ghost-research.org/ ...
The last time was last year when I went into the paranormal investigation at the historic site near a guard post WW2 desert. I was very lucky that my video was recording when I saw a flashing light, like a rope and climb into the air, was shot not far from there for me. You can use it in http://www.malaysian-ghost-research.org/ ... and see if they like what they experienced.
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