What is an estimated cost for each of the following pieces of excavating equipment buying it new? - cat tractor toys
What are the costs for each, if I buy it?
1. CAT 325D L Hydraulic Excavator
2. CAT 953D Loader
3. CAT TL943 w / Stabilizers Telehandlers
4. CAT 631G Wheel Tractor Scraper
5. CAT 163H Motor Grader
6. Tipper typical
I can not find any price for what you are looking for what you do best, you call your local dealer and talk with them ........
http://www.cat.com/cda/layout?m=41089&x = ...
I can not find any price for what you are looking for what you do best, you call your local dealer and talk with them ........
http://www.cat.com/cda/layout?m=41089&x = ...
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